- My life has been extremely chaotic for the past year and a half
- I hope 2015 will be my year to catch up and get it together...or at least improve.
- Brielle is still up many times a night.
- Nathanael has also been getting up in the night lately
- The last time I slept for 4 hours in a row was 10 months ago...and only once or twice.
- All I want for Christmas, my birthday, anniversary, holiday....etc. is sleep. Uninterrupted 5 or 6 hours of sleep. This is my dream. I hope dreams really do come true. I'm dog-tired.
Meals for this week include tacos, bbq chicken salad, and Moroccan chicken lentil soup. I need to get back to real-deal menu planning. Most nights are throw-it-together nights. Lots of pancakes. Lots of tacos. Lots of simple meatless pasta dishes. That's okay for now but not forever.
I have several goals for 2015. Some of these include...
Wean Brielle....get this kid sleeping through the night! (within a month)
Potty train Nathanael completely (he is partly trained)....get this kid sleeping through the night! (within 6 weeks)
Lose 25 pounds (by summer)
Get back in shape and exercising again
Take better care of myself in every way...get back to feeling "me" again.
Catch up on pictures
Catch up on baby books
Purge and organize every nook and cranny of this house. Minimalism people, minimalism!
Start piano lesson planning (So I have a solid plan in place for September). This is with the goal of teaching Elianna lessons and also teaching myself how to be a piano teacher...Something I'm considering dabbling in, but I need a plan!
Get a solid routine in place for the kids & home schooling
Have Elianna reading well by summer
Get a chore system in place for the kids
Consider finding a way to make a little extra income (maybe a part time or casual job, maybe babysitting/child care, blogging for income, piano lessons...these are a few of my ideas)
First priority...no surprise here...sleep! This will likely go hand in hand with weaning Brielle. This process is beginning today and will hopefully be completed by her 1st birthday.
The likelihood of getting all this accomplished is slim....but I'm hopeful once I get sleeping better and start exercising, my productivity and energy during the day will sky-rocket.