I saw this idea on the
Keeping the Home blog and decided it would be fun to participate! I went around yesterday and tried to take pictures as I went about my normal activities. Thursday is my baking/kitchen day, so this is a typical Thursday at my home. I have tasks assigned to each day of the week that I usually stick to but no set schedule of when the tasks get done during the day. I am a "to-do list" person and just try my best to get everything crossed off before I hit the hay.Some days I still have a couple things left to do on my list at the end of the day, but no biggie, they just get bumped to the next day! Now for a
very detailed and long-winded post :-) ...
My daughter (my favourite alarm clock!) wakes me up to nurse. I nurse her, put her back to bed, and then get up and go to the kitchen to start my bread. (Most days I get up for the day between 8 and 8:30 when my husband and daughter get up, but on Thursdays I try to get an earlier start.) Besides, I figured there was no point in going back to bed for an hour after I was already awake.
In the kitchen at 7:14 a.m. I'm still in my jammies at this point. LOL. I bake 6 loaves of bread every other Thursday. I try to bake/make at least 2 different things every Thursday. Things I might make include cinnamon rolls, cookies, soft pretzels, buns, squares, pies, etc.
On Wednesday night, I always put out all my bread-making things (flour, Bosch, oil, molasses, etc.) on the counter, so that when I get up on Thursday morning, everything is ready to go.
While my bread was kneading in the machine, I put a beef roast in the crockpot to cook on low all day until supper time. Both my husband's and my parents raise cattle, which we are very thankful for! This roast will "make its own gravy" - a good thing since I'm a terrible gravy-maker. LOL.
While the dough rises, I make some coffee and toast for myself for breakfast. We aren't big breakfast eaters in our house. I always have something to eat in the morning - usually toast or a smoothie. But my husband usually just takes a mug of coffee to work with him and might eat a piece of bread with jam for breakfast on the run.
At about 8:30 our daughter gets up, so I change her, dress her, and feed her apples and oat cereal for breakfast. My husband leaves for work.
Then, I finish getting dressed for the day (I was still in my pj's until this point)
Next, I make the bed and tidy up the bedroom.
Back into the kitchen. The dough is done rising, so I punch it down , shape into balls and let rest for 15 minutes
While the dough rests, I sit down, finish my coffee, and read a chapter from the Bible. I am currently reading through Exodus. Then I got up, shaped the bread into loaves and let rise again. 10:00 A.M. I nurse the baby and put her down for a nap. I take a little break to check my email, browse facebook, read a few blogs, etc. Then I work on organizing some photos on the computer and burn them onto a cd so they are ready to develop.
Now it's time to put the first 3 loaves of bread in the oven!
(no pictures of this all, sorry!)
While the loaves were baking, I did my weekly Thursday cleaning routine and tidied up - dusting, wiping coffee and end tables, wiping dressers, bookshelves, piano, etc. I don't have many cleaning tasks today, since my focus is in the kitchen on Thursdays.
Daughter wakes up from nap. Shortly after that, the bread is done!
Lunch time. I had a tuna salad sandwich on fresh bread, spinach salad, and olives (my fave!).
Right after lunch I changed the baby and fed her lunch (carrots).AFTERNOON
Time to play pat-a-cake, one of my baby's favourite games!
Then, I baked a batch of cupcakes. Here they are out of the oven. I overfilled a few of them. oops. LOL.
Then I finished peeling potatoes for supper and put them in the fridge.
Time for a break! I went on the computer for a few minutes. Then I nursed the baby, put her down for her afternoon nap, and I took a short nap, too.
After my rest, I iced and decorated the cupcakes.
Then I hopped on the treadmill for 30 minutes of exercise. I usually exercise 4-5 times a week. After that, I nursed and changed baby, put the potatoes on the stove to cook, carved the roast, cooked a few veggies, made the gravy, and Voila...!
Supper is ready! Roast beef, mashed potatoes, gravy, veggies. We ate at 5:45 p.m.,
shortly after my husband got home from work.
Then, I cleaned up the kitchen while my hubby fed the baby supper (mashed potatoes, carrots, rice cereal)EVENING
I packed my husband's lunch for the next day. Roast beef sandwiches, apple, pudding.
The dishes are done, food put away, and the kitchen is clean again. Then I had a shower.
Then it is time to sit down and read a story.
After that, we went out to the store for a bit and purchased a few things. We bought seeds for our first garden! As soon as we got back home, I nursed, changed, and put our baby to bed (about 8:45 p.m., a little later than her usual bedtime between 8 and 8:30)
After baby was in bed, I made us a blueberry yogurt smoothie and we went downstairs to relax and watch a sermon on the internet. We watched a good one by Jacob Prasch (sp?) about intrepreting the Bible. We really like to watch sermons on the internet in the evenings. After that, we read a few chapters from the Bible and I read a few pages from a book. Lights out was 11:45 p.m. But, at 12:15 a.m. and 4:30 a.m. baby was up again to nurse. We're working on that. LOL. I really believe that God has called me to a full time ministry to my family at home. I believe that God's Word makes it clear that a wife and mother's highest calling is to glorify God by joyfully fulfilling her God-given responsibilities of being a help-meet to her husband and a mother to her children
and being a "keeper at home" whenever possible. I am convinced that I have the best job in the entire world. I am SO thankful for my husband and daughter!
I agree. The best job in the world is homemaker, wife, mommy. :-)
Your Day in the Life of post was fabulous. I really enjoyed reading it. Thank you for sharing. :-)
That was so enjoyable! Thank you for posting.
Two questions:
How long does your baby nap for the morning and afternoon naps? My son took ONE nap for about 30 minutes at that age and then dropped them altogether by the time he was 2. He'd sleep 10-12 hours at night, nursing 2-4 times until about 12 months.
I was SO sleep deprived LOL!
Other question: Is your bread recipe somewhere on your blog? If so, I'll hunt it down. If not, can you post it? They looked delicious!
My baby is 6 months old, and her napping "schedule" varies quite a bit day to day. I have been TRYING to get her on a schedule since she was 3 months, LOL. Typically, she naps anywhere from half an hour to just over an hour in the morning. And then in the afternoon she naps anywhere from half an hour to just over an hour again. Yesterday I think she napped for about an hour in the morning and then for half an hour in the afternoon. It really varies day to day, though. I think the earlier I put her down for a nap, the longer she naps. At night she is still getting up every 3 hours or so to nurse, but I am working on eliminating the night feeds altogether since I think she more or less just want to "visit". I put her to bed around 8:30 p.m., and then she typically is up again at midnight and then once or twice in the night before she is up for the day between 8 and 8:30. When I feel sleep deprived I just tell myself it could always be worse and it won't last forever!
My bread recipe isn't up yet, but I do plan on posting it hopefully next week sometime.
Thanks for stopping by!
Oooh! I just remembered something when you mentioned that she's 6mo. My son (who's 7 years old now) did cluster feeding at about 6mo. He was tanking up all night long because he was hitting a growth spurt. After that he seemed to level out some and slept a bit longer. Breast milk digests very easily, too.
I'm looking forward to seeing your bread recipe. Your loaves look so great!
What a great job you are doing, sweetie! I answered the call to full time wife and motherhood almost 20 years ago and I have never looked back on it as anything but the most joyous job in the world. My boys are grown and heading out into the world and I can see the wonderful fruits of my labor. You make us "old" moms proud. You are so very blessed. I really enjoyed reading your blog.
Hugs kiddo
I enjoyed your post. I got here from Candy's blog. I agree as well that a married woman's place is to be a keeper at home and that is her job to take care of her family at home whether she is just a wife or a wife and mother because the Bible doesnt say that Mother's are to be a keeper at home. It is for wives who do not have children as well. that is the way most women were a long time ago but women have gotten away from it and think they need a job to make ends meet. But really if they didnt have all the stuff that they have and live above their means then the wife wouldnt have to work on a secular job. But God is good and He expects us to live out the whole Bible not just those verses that we want to.
God Bless You
Did my comment about cluster feeding make it to you? If it didn't, I'll try to reconstruct it...
Roxanne, I have the bread recipe posted now. :-)
I found you through Candy's blog and this was the cutest thing I've ever seen! I might have to follow suit and do one myself. :)
Hi, I found your blog through Candy's and found your day in your life very nice to read and I especially liked the pictures..especially the one of your clean kitchen. I used to be like that, my kitchen was cleaned every night before going to bed but now lately I have gotten lazy about it sad to admit but truthful. I found your post encouraging~ Thanks, Joann
Wonderful idea! I may do one myself!
I'm curious to know, what type of seasoning did you do for your beef roast? I don't see that you have posted the recipe and it looks nice and seasoned.
Mrs. G,
Thanks for stopping by :-). I have made my beef roast several different ways. Sometimes I season it with only salt & pepper and a few cloves of minced garlic on top. I think the roast I made on this day was one that makes its own gravy. I have 2 different recipes I have used like this. One contains only onion soup mix, salt, & peppper while and the other one has onion soup mix, worcestershire sauce, mushroom soup, and garlic. I can't remember which one I usually use since it's been so long since I've made a roast like this! I think the key for good seasoning is the onion soup mix. Here's the recipe for it:
1 beef roast
1 pkg. onion soup mix (I use Lipton's.)
2 Tbsp Worcestershire sauce
2 cans mushroom soup (don't dilute)
1 clove garlic, minced
Place meat in slow cooker. Mix remaining ingredients and pour over meat. Cook on low for 8-10 hours. Makes its own gravy.
It is probably a matter of preference if you like the gravy with the mushroom soup or not. I think now when I make it, I usually leave the mushroom soup out.
I hope that helps!
Thank you!
And would love to see an updated version of a day in your life now that you have 2 kiddos.
God bless
I think I need to get moving and get more done haha... you got a lot more done than I do in a day with a baby :p.
I just reread this blog post, and I`m thinking to myself....what happened to me and my life! Those were the days...LOL. Baking, gardening, exercise, cleaning routines....maybe someday this will happen again. I guess it was good for me to reread this...reminds me I need to get my life in order around here again! Reminds me that life is full of different seasons, too, and that`s okay!
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