My Beliefs
I believe the Bible is the inerrant Word of God. It is the final authority on matters of life and doctrine (2 Timothy 3:16)
I believe that salvation is by grace alone through faith in Christ alone.(Ephesians 2:8-9)
I believe that the payment for sin was accomplished by Christ's shed blood and death on the cross (Romans 5:8-9). Jesus Christ is fully God and fully man and lived a sinless life (2 Corin 5:21). He literally and bodily rose from the dead (Luke 24:39, John 20:27)) and later ascended into heaven. He is now seated at the right hand of the throne of God (Hebrews 12:2) and will physically return to earth again at the second coming. (Acts 1:10-11)
I believe that Jesus is the only way, the truth, and the life and no man comes to the Father but through Him. (John 14:6)
I believe that only those who receive Christ through faith will inherit eternal life. I believe in a literal heaven prepared for those who receive Christ (John 14:2-3) and a literal hell (Matthew 25:41) for those who choose to reject Christ and his free gift of salvation.
I believe in one God comprised of three persons, the Father, the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. (John 17:3, John 1:1, Acts 5:3-4.)
I believe that the husband is the head of the wife and she is to submit herself to her husband's authority. The husband is to love his wife as Christ loved the church (Ephesians 5:22-23). My husband and I are heirs together of the grace of life, and we desire to honour God through our marriage.
My Values
I value the sanctity of human life that begins at the moment of conception. I no longer use any form of birth control (including all oral contraceptives) that include preventing the implantation of a fertilised egg as a possible mechanism of action.
I value traditional marriage as ordained by God.
I value biblical womanhood and modesty, and I reject the philosophies of the feminist movement.
I value the high calling of being a wife and mother.
I value parental freedom to choose education for their children. We previously chose to home educate our children as a personal choice of ours. However, we recently moved and made the decision to send our children to a private school that values godly instruction and models the values that are important to us. Choice of education is a matter each family must decide on its own. I believe that parents should very carefully, with much wisdom and prayer, examine which educational choice is best for their family, child, and will honour God. Children who are not home educated spend a significant amount of their growing-up hours, days, and years away from home and their parents. thus, much wisdom is needed in this area.