With God's grace and the Holy Spirit's help, I am striving to be more like a Titus 2 and Proverbs 31 woman. Through this blog, I plan on sharing tidbits of my journey of being a woman, wife, and mother as I follow the narrow path to my home in heaven. As I travel on my "pilgrimage", instead of being conformed to this world, I need to be transformed by the "renewing of my mind" so that I can prove what is the good, acceptable, and perfect will of God.
As a Christian, my citizenship is in heaven. I am simply a pilgrim on this earth, traveling through and trying to share the truth of Jesus Christ with those I meet along the way. There is an old country gospel song that goes like this, "This world is not my home; I'm just a-passin' through." The name of my blog, "Homemaking Pilgrim" is inspired by this concept of being in the world but not of the world, which is found throughout the Bible. For Bible passages that touch on this concept, please read the section titled Bible Verses for the Pilgrim.
Won't you join this homemaking pilgrim as I try to keep my heart and mind set on things above during my short pilgrimage on earth, for heaven is my home!
(I'm pretty new to this blogging thing, so bear with me as I figure it all out along the way!)
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