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Okay, I just cannot keep this a secret any longer, so here it goes...Baby #2 is due January 10, 2012 and we are super excited! I'm 16 weeks today, which is getting close to half-way. Part of the reason why this blog has been lacking in posts lately is because I've been just too way tired to write anything. Every spare moment of the past nearly 4 months have been spent sleeping. No joke. I remember being tired when pregnant with Ellie, but I guess I forgot just how tired a person can get. As for the morning sickness, it's been quite manageable, actually. In fact, no throwing up yet! I can hardly believe it - with Ellie I threw up nearly every day for a LONG time (well into my 2nd trimester). I've felt nauseous with this one, but when it was getting to the gagging stage, I decided to take some meds for it, and that has helped immensely. For some reason when I'm pregnant I tend to get the most horrendous headaches. I'm not the type of person who has a lot of headaches normally, but when I'm pregnant I tend to get lots of really bad headaches and even the occasional migraine. And I eat. A lot. And often. Especially when I feel like throwing up. Yeah, I think I read somewhere that by now I should have gained around 5 pounds...Umm....Try 15 at least. In fact, it could be getting closer to 20 by now. Yikes. As long as I don't gain another 60 pounds from now I'll still be ahead of where I was at my top pregnancy weight with Ellie....wowsers.
Anyway, I'll keep this one short, but I want to blog more about pregnancy and babies since the topic has been consuming my mind lately, so I needed to make the big announcement before I start blogging about it more. That's all for now. I think I need a snack now. Or a nap. Or maybe both.:-)

Congratulations!!! Such great news!!!
Prayers coming your way....
OK this is the 3rd note i have left you! i hope it works b/c i am not leaving another!! hehe i don't know what i was doing.
Yeah, we are so so excited for you and Craig!! Another baby will be so much fun. I am glad that you are feeling pretty good, and it sounds like way better than last time so that is awsome. Cam just told me like yesterday you were expecting, and she told me that you are? going to Rita's wedding. I hope so. We are planning to go too. Yeah for the exciting news!
Sooooooooo exciting! Congratulations! So happy for you guys!
We are planning on going to the wedding! It will be SO good to see some family again. Have we ever even met in person?? LOL. I don't think we have! Craziness. Keeping you in my prayers are you await the arrival of your little one.
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