Today is the official due day, and no baby yet. :-( I am getting soooooo impatient - mostly because the pressure is on and the clock is ticking to still have a chance at a VBAC. If it wasn't for that, I think I would feel less stressed. I pretty much need to have this baby in the next 8 days in order to stick with the midwife program and avoid a scheduled C-section. I am trying to remain optimistic and realistic. I know I will be a bit disappointed if I end up having another c-section; there is just no way around that. However, I do pray that if things should go that way, I will be at peace about it knowing it was the Lord's will.
BUT...any prayers sent up on my and baby's behalf would be much appreciated...please pray this baby would come in the next week (tonight would be even better ;-) ) I can't be induced and must go into labour on my own before 41 + 1 days in order to avoid a transfer to an ob/gyn which would almost certainly mean a C-section.
I am feeling very uncomfortable, nervous, a little anxious, and like I can do nothing but think about this baby all day long. Sleeping at night has been horrible, so I'm pretty much out of commission most of the day, which I feel badly about. I'm just focusing on keeping on top of the basic housework, trying to walk on the treadmill once in awhile (that is becoming increasingly difficult!), and resting when I can since I'm sleeping so poorly at night. I have to confess that I am not one of those women who really enjoys being pregnant. Yes, I still find joy and rejoice in being pregnant and the miracle that it is, but I do not really enjoy the many aspects of being pregnant, if that makes any sense. This pregnancy has been AWESOME, though, health-wise as compared to my first one, so that is a tremendous blessing. I was so terribly sick with Ellie and then at the end I was very, very faint and had to head to the ER a few times because my blood pressure would dip so low. I have had none of those issues this time around.
At least we know that one way or another....it will be a January baby!! 2 weeks or less and I 'll be holding my little bundle....:-D
Boy or Girl? What do you all think!?
I'm so excited for you. I have 7 wonderful blessings and I would suggest that u do what I always did if I wanted to have my baby right away. Get to some stairs and walk up and down them until you feel some labor pains. If that doesn't help then try a drink with a lot of sugar and that will get the baby moving and wanting to escape:) but most of all pray for God to send that baby and he will! I'm praying with you and will have the kids to do the same. God Bless You Oh my 3yr. old twins really like you baby in the cooking picture. Blessings!
Bless you. I pray you go into labour soon. I can imagine how you are feeling! Praying that it happens within your time limit!!!
I'll be praying that labor starts ASAP:) I just found your blog and love it; very inspirational! I remember the waiting game at the end of my pregnancy but without the pressure you're facing. God has a plan and hopefully His plan has you holding your precious baby before the week is through! And I'm voting boy :)
Thanks everyone! :-)
Praying peace and grace are your companions through these last moments of pregnancy and the birth of your precious little one. I pray that the Lord would give you the desire of your heart. His will and ways are higher than ours as you know, but praying He says "yes"! Blessings!
I totally agree. Thanks Sheri!
I am home and can finally get onto blogger!! I will be praying daily for you and your babe!! So excited to hear....these last days of pregnancy are so long.... Thank you SO much for your prayers...yes! My God is so big, so strong and so mighty there's nothing my God cannot do! Thank you! Praying you feel His presence and power in this birth experience as strongly as I did thru my "birth" ;) experience in court! Love darci
Glad you're home safe and sound and SO excited for you! Thanks, Darci!
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