Monday, January 21, 2013

Menu Plan & Weekly Goals

Sunday: Lunch at the missions conference Sunday morning service we attended
             Supper at Mom & Dad's

Monday:  Skillet Light Lasanga

Tuesday: Steak Fajitas, Salad

Wednesday: Chili & Cornbread

Thursday: Leftovers (Chili over baked potatoes)

Friday: Attempt the perfect stovetop steak (if I'm feeling ambitious...)

Saturday : Potato Soup
                 Taco Salad

Here are my weekly goals (something new I'm trying)

1. Plan an at-home date night
2. Wean Nathanael down to nursing only 2 times per day. (morning & evening)
3. Do blanket training/sit still training with the kids 4 times this week

4. Post 2 items to sell
5. Bake muffins, bread, & cookies

Health (This is Week 1 of my 9 Week Boot Camp to get back in shape! More about that later...)
6. Exercise 5 times this week & complete Week 1 of Couch to 5K program
7. Keep an accurate food & exercise journal
8. Wake up at 7:30 a.m. on weekdays

9. Read 3 chapters of the book I'm currently reading
10. No social media/surfing the web when kids are awake except for during afternoon quiet time.

1 comment:

Kirsty said...

Sounds like some really good goals. I especially like the no surfing the internet when the children are awake. This is also my goal.

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