Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Gospel for Asia Sponsorship

When most people think of sponsoring a child in another country, they think of well-known organizations such as World Vision or Compassion International. Today I want to put a plug in for a ministry that I really like. It is Gospel for Asia and they have a sponsorship program too, but you may not have heard of them before. The reason why I like sponsoring a child through Gospel for Asia is because their main goal, unlike some other organizations, is to spread the Gospel! It says so right on their home page, and if you take the time to look around their website, you will find that the spreading of the Gospel is what Gospel for Asia is all about.

Do we need to clothe the poor, help the destitute, and feed the hungry? Absolutely. But let me ask you this. What does clothing the poor, helping the destitute, and feeding the hungry help if those people die without coming to a saving faith in Christ? Those people will still perish forever if they die without Christ. We need to meet their physical needs AND spread the truth of Jesus Christ. We need to provide them clean drinking water AND explain how they can receive the Living Water. These need to go hand-in-hand.

Through Gospel for Asia's Bridge of Hope program, you can sponsor a child. This child will get to go to a Bridge of Hope school where they will receive meals, an education, medical care, etc. and ALSO hear the gospel. These children are usually from the Dalit caste (also known as the "untouchables") and, sadly, are often considered less than human.

What else do I love about this ministry?

100 % of the sponsorship money goes to the field! NONE of it goes to administration costs!


You can sponsor a missionary, too!

The other day I received a newsletter in the mail that highlighted testimonies of people coming to Christ through the ministry of Gospel for Asia. I was so encouraged to hear how missionaries are passing out gospel tracts, witnessing, and how children sponsored through the Bridge of Hope program are learning about Christ and sharing with their families! I also receive letters from our sponsor child and can write back to her.

If you are interested in sponsoring a child, please consider the ministry of Gospel for Asia. Gospel for Asia cares about the physical and spiritual needs of people, with spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ being their highest goal.

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