Monday, February 14, 2011

Menu Plan Monday (February 14, 2011)

Last week was a busy week as I'm working on getting some furniture for our bedroom painted up. I can't wait to get them done! I didn't get an organizing project done last week with the busyness of painting. I also haven't been feeling the greatest again. Not sure why, but for some reason, I've started to have pain in my hands and feet again. I also had a major dizzy spell the other day, which hadn't happened to me in a over a month. I checked my blood pressure when it happened, and it was 79/56. I don't know why my blood pressure dips like that sometimes. It's kind of weird. I also have swollen lymph nodes everywhere, so I don't know what's going on with me, but I'm seeing my doctor tomorrow. I am getting allergy testing done in a week or so, also. Anyway, I'm still feeling fairly good, overall, so I'm thankful for that!

Here's the plan for this week:

Monday, February 14 (Valentine's Day) - We are going to have a candlelight dinner. I'm trying out a new recipe for the main course
Beef Bourguignon (NEW)
Roasted Potatoes
Tossed Salad
French Bread dipped in olive oil and balsamic vinegar
Frozen Chocolate Mocha Dessert

Tuesday, February 15

Wednesday, February 16
East Indian Chicken Curry (NEW) & Rice

Thursday, February 17

Friday, February 18
Homemade Pizza

Saturday, February 19

*For more meal ideas, visit Menu Plan Monday hosted by*

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