Wednesday, November 10, 2010

3 Trips to the Hospital Today...This is Insane

Okay, prayer warriors we need you! Our family is going through such a rough time right now. You probably already know about our daughter's recent health issues. She is having a bone marrow test next week. She also had a blood test this morning, and we haven't had the results back from that yet. (That was trip # 1 to the hospital this morning).

Trip #2 to the hospital was this afternoon for myself and my weird health issues. My issues have been getting progressively worse with each day for the past month. I have several lumps (probably swollen lymph nodes) in my legs, pain around my joints, and new today was a humongous bruise on my leg for which I have no explanation. I have other weird bruises as well and have just been feeling pretty awful for the past month. And, it felt like there was a floater in my knee today too, which I'm pretty sure was courtesy of another strange lump that mysteriously appeared. After a bit of deliberation, I decided that I needed to go the doctor again, which meant a trip to the E.R. After a 3 hour wait (which was understandable since I wasn't exactly an "emergency"), I saw the doctor and basically was told it's probably nothing serious and just ordered some more blood work. (My cbc's from 2 weeks ago were perfectly normal and I don't think they really expected to find anything different today). I was told to go home and come back in an hour and a half to get the results. I went home, discouraged and wondering if I was just making this all up in my head. After an hour and a half, I headed back to the hospital (which brings us to trip #3 for the day) for what I thought was going to be just my blood test results. So, after a much shorter wait, I see another doctor who starts asking me why I left the hospital, why was I sent home, etc. etc. I explain that the doctor just told me I could go home and come back for the blood test results. He then examines me from head to toe and starts asking me several questions (I refer to them as the "cancer" questions). At this point I was getting a little nervous because the doctor was obviously concerned. Then I asked him if they had my blood test results back. He said yes, and that my white bloods cells are very high. Okay. So, now there is a problem and reason for concern. After examining me, he then tells me that he is going to call in the internist to examine me as he is concerned. So, then the doctor of internal medicine examines me from head to toe and spends a great deal of time with me. They are concerned now because my white blood cells are significantly high. They are also concerned because I have all these weird things going on and after examination, my stomach is obviously in pain. So, the end result is now I have a ridiculous amount of blood work being done on Friday along with a chest x-ray and an ultrasound scheduled. There was also mention of a bone marrow test for me if my white blood cells don't straighten out soon. Not many ideas as to what this could be yet. Infection, cancer, virus, some other weird thing (autoimmune). Oh dear. Can we possibly be any more stressed? I fear the answer to that. So yeah, anyway, we are currently going through the worst days of our life so far. My poor husband is stressed beyond belief now that not only his daughter is unhealthy but now his wife, too. I truly believe it is often harder to see loved ones go through health problems than to go through them yourself. I worry about him because he is so stressed. So, please, please pray for us. We never imagined our daughter having to go through all of this, and we never imagined that now I would be going through my own health issues now, too. I think I spent a combined total of 7 1/2 hours at the hospital today. My hands and wrists are now in too much pain to type anymore. I think I'm going to go to bed; hopefully I can sleep. The really crummy thing is that I have to stop breastfeeding our daughter now because of the meds I have to go on. Normally this would be no big deal, but with her low immunity, I kept breastfeeding her in hopes that it would provide her with more protection against infection. Last time I stopped breastfeeding her, she got horribly sick. Please pray especially much for her now, too. Thanks in advance!


Jen said...

Jenna, we'll continue to pray. Aubrey prays for your little girl ALL the time! Randomly while playing and before each meal, nap, bed time:) A passage that has really been amazing for Zach and I lately is Proverbs 3:5-6. Keep trusting in the Lord, Jenna, He's still there!

Christine said...

Praying for you! It is a lot to deal with for sure! Keep leaning on God and letting the body of Christ hold you up in prayer and many other ways (a lesson I had to learn with my cancer). I am praying for answers for you quickly since it is easier to deal with what you know than to dread the worst case scenario unnecessarily! Although we don't know each other in person (I am your mom's cousin-I'm 35), I have been following along this fall and am priveliged to witness your faith and struggles through this time--kinda reminds me of our family's recent health issues. Anyways, thinking of and praying for you.

The Boyds said...

Goodness gracious! You don't know me - I'm a new reader to your blog - but just know that your sister in Christ is praying for you, your daughter, & your husband. He will give grace, comfort, & strength (including a strengthened faith) when it's needed.

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