As for my grocery challenge...well...I kinda fell of the budget wagon and didn't stick to my budget plan this last week. However, I did still substantially reduce my grocery bill this past month. I think I had set a bit of an unreasonable budget for our family that I'm pretty sure is not sustainable. But after this little experiment, I think I now have a pretty good idea of what is a reasonable grocery budget for our family if I am careful to take advantage of sales and coupons and then menu plan accordingly. I have simple and mostly quick meals planned this week due to my husband's work schedule and the Canada Day holiday.
If you have never tried, I highly recommend trying to make your own homemade pita bread sometime. This flat bread is versatile and freezes very well. It can be used for making pita chips, pita pockets, wraps, and quick pizzas.
Here's the plan for this week:
Sunday, June 27
Lunch: Bbqing hot dogs
Supper: Picked up some burgers (really healthy day, I know!)
Monday, June 28
Tuscan Roasted Chicken, Roasted Potatoes and Veggies, Gravy, Mixed Veggies
Tuesday, June 29
Leftover Chicken and Potatoes
Wednesday, June 30
Spinach & Tomato Topped Salmon (on bbq), Wild Rice
Thursday, July 1 (Happy Canada Day!)
Quick Pizzas (on bbq) using Homemade Pita Bread, Caesar Salad
Friday, July 2
Crunchy BBQ Chicken Wraps (new), Veggies or Salad
Saturday, July 3
Sweet & Sour Meatballs, Rice, Veggies
Lunch: Bbqing hot dogs
Supper: Picked up some burgers (really healthy day, I know!)
Monday, June 28
Tuscan Roasted Chicken, Roasted Potatoes and Veggies, Gravy, Mixed Veggies
Tuesday, June 29
Leftover Chicken and Potatoes
Wednesday, June 30
Spinach & Tomato Topped Salmon (on bbq), Wild Rice
Thursday, July 1 (Happy Canada Day!)
Quick Pizzas (on bbq) using Homemade Pita Bread, Caesar Salad
Friday, July 2
Crunchy BBQ Chicken Wraps (new), Veggies or Salad
Saturday, July 3
Sweet & Sour Meatballs, Rice, Veggies
Baking/Desserts to Make This Week:
Homemade Pita Bread (for pizzas and wraps)
Almond Rhubarb Pastry (recipe to come)

*For more great meal ideas, visit Menu Plan Monday hosted by orgjunkie.com*

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